Image by Annette Meyer from Pixabay
I read something the other day that said that January is actually not the best time to be making resolutions for several reasons: we’re just coming off the high and/or stress of the holiday season; seasonally, for those of us in the northern hemisphere, it’s a time for reflection and rest; trying to live up to societal expectations that we’re supposed to drastically change our lives and if we don’t, we’ve somehow failed.
While I have been getting deep into journaling and thinking about what I want 2025 to look like, I’ve decided to take my time with resolutions.
What I did, instead, was make an INs and OUTs list that I’ve seen others sharing. Without further ado, here they are:
2025 INs
Daily red light
Natural light in the mornings (either from my Happy Light or from outside)
Daily movement
Consistency, especially here on Substack
Eating meals sitting at a table
Stepping out of my comfort zone (this book is on my to-read list!)
Time with friends
Anything that’s a “hell, yes!”
Listening to my gut
2025 OUTs
Phone first thing in the morning
Sitting endlessly without movement breaks
Eating in front of the TV/ at a desk
Staying comfortable 100% of the time
Impulse spending
Anything that I have to talk myself into
Listening (only) to my head, aka Ego
Others opinions
Being who I think others want me to be, or think I should be
So how about you? Do you have some definitive Ins and Outs for this year, or resolutions you know you want to keep? I’d love to hear about them!
What a great list. I'd definitely like to get away from picking up my phone first thing in the morning, though lately I've been taking that time to peruse Substacks, so maybe that's not so bad?
I'll have to think more on it, but I'd say at least one "IN" will be reading actual books (rather than listening to audio books, which is easier to fit into my busy schedule) ... and an "OUT" will be defaulting to YES when someone asks me to do something. That gets me in way too much trouble. ;)